
Izolex - Dysperbit Dn. Asphalt-rubber dispersion mass

manufacturer: Izolex

Category: Mass

product #: 1389

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Price on request

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for kg
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5.00 kg
5.00 kg
total price
net list price
for 5.00 kg
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for 5.00 kg
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for kg
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gross unit price
for kg
minimum trading quantity
the amount of product
5.00 kg
5.00 kg
total price
gross list price
for 5.00 kg
total price
gross discount price
for 5.00 kg

Product description

Renovation and maintenance of roofing, making seamless roofing reinforced with technical fabrics, performing under-floor moisture insulation of basements, baths, terrace, etc. It also serves to protect against moisture the underground parts of buildings, i.e. benches, foundations, etc.

Technical data

  • Dry mass residue for waterproofing: about 60%,
  • Composition: potassium water glass, acrylic dispersion, additives,
  • Use for direct contact with polystyrene.


Xn a harmful product which, if ingested, inhaled or through the skin, may cause death or acute or chronic adverse effects on human health.
F flammable liquid product with low flash point.
Keep out of the reach of children. Use protective clothing and gloves during work. Protect eyes.

Technical data

application temperature range:
5 - 30 °C
drying time:
6 h
0,8 - 1,2 kg/m²
substrate temperature:
5 - 30 °C
the number of layers required:
2 - 4
1 mm
